Episode 40

040: How to never run out of content ideas again

Published on: 8th April, 2022

In this episode about content ideas for coaches, we talk about 'How to never run out of content ideas again!'.

We also talk about how to find content ideas that people are already looking for. Because not all content is created equal. And if you're going to invest time and money into creating content you want to make sure it generates leads for your business.

Topics this episode...

>> How not to come up with content ideas

>> Keyword research for coaches

>> Other resources to give you more ideas

>> How to pick the right ideas

>> What to do next

Episode Links and Mentions:

>> Keyword Finder: The tool I use for Keyword Research

>> GET ON MY LIST HERE (to hear about my next free keyword research training)

>> www.answerthepublic.com

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Full Transcript

Hello, thank you for joining me. You're listening to the profitable online coaching podcast, the place where we talk about everything, online coaching, including marketing, business models, tools, and mindset.

Hello, thank you very much for joining me today. Where are you going to talk about content ideas most specifically about how to never run out of content ideas? We want to create content that people are actually looking for. So we're going to take a little bit of a different angle today. We're not going to talk about the usual, oh, find the five pillars of your business and write down the alphabet and think of an idea for each, or, you know, take a look at your competition.

We're not going to talk about these usual run of the mill ideas. We're going to talk about keyword research and which, if you know anything about me, you will know that I am really quite keen. So why am I so keen on keyword research? I am very keen on it because it's giving me a real picture of the real world.

It's not something that I have made up. There is no guessing. There is no making up ideas. There is no copying your competition, which is a big mistake because your competition, especially for. They are never going to be exactly the same kind of people that you want to attract, even if you are offering exactly the same thing, a perfect match client for you is not going to be the same perfect match client for your competitors.

So by copying their strategy, what you're really doing is attracting potentially the wrong kind of. So the system I'm going to teach you today is actually a small part of the blueprint that I used, the profitable contact method at some small part of the blueprint that I use with my clients. And it is the most important.

And, you know, you're going to find a lot of training out there about keyword research, which is the key to finding contents that people are looking for. However, keyword research can be done in a lots of different ways for coaches. It needs to be done in a very human way, which means. That the research over your ideal client and the way you connect that to your keyword research is absolutely key to your long-term success.

I was actually talking to a client yesterday and I was telling them how you don't need a lot of traffic. A lot of my clients, even myself, my website doesn't have thousands and thousands of visitors a month. I get around. 500, 600 visitors a month unique visitors. And that is more than enough to keep my one-to-one sessions.

Superbugs up, even my waiting list. Yeah. In fact, my next step is going to be to actually channel the people that come from a CEO into my group program because I cannot keep turning people away because you know, it's, I have too many leads coming from my websites. And the conversion rate is super close to a hundred percent because I have done my research when it comes to the idea of class.

I have also done my research when it comes to the keywords and I have put the two together and I have a solid content plan, which I follow every week. I blog twice a week. I do try. Hit three per week when I can. But most of the time I actually prefer to focus on the quality and that works absolutely fine.

So how do we do keyword research and how are we going to get it right for our coaching business and how is it going to give us content? Now, again, as a podcast, it's a little bit hard to not do this visually. In fact, in the show notes, I'm going to link, I have a blog post that actually shows how to do the keyword research with, with screenshots.

I also encourage you to download the freebies from my website. I will actually link it to the podcast as well to the podcast show notes, because I encourage you to jump on my email list because a couple of times a year, I actually run F. Keyword research training. It's actually a client attraction training, but one of the key topics that we tackle is actually keyword research.

So if you want to learn how to do this properly, I highly recommend that you download one of my freebies and jump on my email list so that you're there when I open the free training, but getting back to the content. So what you want to do is you want to make sure that the. You know your ideal client.

Well, you should not start your keyword research before, you know, your ideal client. Well, now I can already hear some of you say, oh, maybe I'm too much in the beginning of my business. I haven't worked with so many people. Maybe I've worked with people that are so diverse. I'm still not sure who's going to be my ideal.

So the first thing you got to do is pick, pick, think of the ideal situation. The kind of people you'd want to work with if money was no object, if money was not a problem and getting clients was not a problem, which of these clients would you pick? Which ones you feel are a natural connection are, have a natural match with you, and then start defining this ideal clients.

So you would want to think of. What they do, what their life is like, what their family background is like, what their business looks like, what they want to do in life. If they don't have a business, of course, the kind of pain points that you're resolving and helping them with. So you need to build a really nice, detailed picture of this ideal client.

And once you've done that, you should have a list of all the struggles that they're dealing with small and. And I say small and big because I see a lot of people focusing on the big problems, like being stuck, going through a divorce, but what really makes keyword research powerful is focusing on the little, on the small struggle.

Like for instance, instead of focusing on, you know, dealing with a divorce, you know, if I go to keyword research tool, which again, I'll, I'll link you to my favorite keyword research tool in the show notes, because it's one of the few tools that actually allows you to keep really nice track of your keyword research by saving it to.

So basically what you want to do is you want to go to the micro struggles. So let's say if you're a divorce coach, you might be looking at keywords around divorce, but when you look at sort of more specific things, like for instance, how to find the right attorney or how to find a particular form, maybe they're looking for a particular form that they need to fill in to process something in the court.

So whatever is a daily, small struggle, even things, maybe how to discuss with your husband about, you know, your children's arrangements after divorce, anything that is a smaller struggle, anything that is real every day. Anything that they're going to need to really tackle is. I fantastic keyword. So by going more niche, and this is something I know you have heard ad nauseam, you have heard it.

Oh my goodness. All the time from everybody. But the truth is that when you niche down, so if you become as specific as possible, it's going to be really easy for you to understand what the specific problems are. Now, if you're creating content like, uh, videos on YouTube or blog posts on your website, This is something you don't need to worry about too much, because you can actually align to different ideal clients and have different content for them because people are going to find you through search.

So you don't need to worry about confusing people. You know, you need to worry about that. On social media, you cannot talk to more than one different person on social media, but when it comes to SEO and also when it comes to, making, making videos and putting them on YouTube, these are found by searches.

So you can actually have more than one ideal client and they're going to find your content and they're going to. To your, in your orbit, they're going to come into your universe through this little window, which has that keyword, which is defining the struggle that. So this kind of makes it very easy as well for new coaches.

So if you're a new coach and you don't really know what your keywords might be, you don't really know who you're going to specialize in yet. You don't know how you're going to niche. What do you need to do is you need to think of all the struggles that you, your particular coaching and your services are going to resolve.

And then what you do is you go to a keyword research tool and start trying to find. All the different struggles that you resolve and what people are punching into Google and other search engines connected to these topics. This will give you amazing insight into how the people who have these particular problems are actually thinking and it's could really actually set you up for creating some fantastic content, because you will be able to see the kind of questions they asking the kind of.

You know, the kind of topics that they're putting in the longer, the phrases, usually the more the information they're going to give you now let's get down to the technical side. So what you want to do is you want to find a tool. The, the tool I use is called keyword. Find. I know it's like, if you type that into Google, there's no way you're going to find that because it's their old keyword finders.

But I am going to put a link in my show notes for this particular episode. So, and then yet, you know, Once you've got the tool you'll again. And usually you can pick whether you want to find keywords, research traffic for your particular area or internationally. Of course, if you're working online, you know, borders are usually not a problem.

So you can go for internet. And then what you want to do is you want to punch in your keyword. You can even start with a broad topic, ideally not super broad, so not like one word, you know, you want to have at least two words. So for instance, let's save your life. Uh, and you help people get unstuck. You know, you, you would say gets on stuck in life or get on stuck at work or, uh, whatever, whatever your clients has, that kind of struggle.

So you can be pretty specific and still be quite broad. And then what you'll find is that the tool itself is going to give you not only. The traffic, if the keyword has any traffic of that particular keyword, but it's also going to give you, all these other recommended keywords with their traffic.

And this is where the gold is because this is where all your ideas can come from. You can literally type in a particular topic and see so many different. And the cool thing is that you can actually see the traffic. So you'll be able to see which ones are being searched more, which ones, you know, are not being searched so much, maybe different ways of actually expressing the same thing.

Sometimes, you know, this happens in every industry. Very often the words we use are not the same words our clients are using. So that is a very important thing because the keywords will actually show us what words our clients are. So, what you want to do is you want to take, make a big list of these keywords.

And I can assure keyword research is a big rabbit hole. It's, it's a really difficult to come out of. So give yourself a time limit or a keyword. So say you want to find 50 ideas, 50 keywords, you know, give yourself an hour and make sure that he kept it because it's really easy to spend half your day and like have hundreds of keywords.

And then you won't know where to start, where to begin to actually start sorting them. So keep a lid on it because it is a lot of fun actually. It can drive you crazy if you find too many, so make sure you don't have too many, any. The great thing about using this keyword research approach to find ideas is that you can pick the ones that already have traffic and perhaps start off with the ones that don't have a lot of competition, because they can be hard to rank for.

And then you already know that your blog posts and your videos, aren't going to be, you know, optimize the people that are already going to be looking for those particular. Of course, it takes a lot more than just finding the keyword to optimize your blog posts and optimize your YouTube videos for search and, you know, to be found.

You can do that with our podcasts as well. And any other medium that you use it? However, of course this is an enough's topic and we won't be covering it on this particular podcast. but you know, stay tuned because I'm sure it's something we would cover in the future. but one of the things you want to keep in mind is that there is already traffic out there.

So you are going to be. Sort of relax and you can rest assured that there is traffic out there and people are going to respond. And of course you can also then share these blog posts and share this content on social media. And it's going to attract people more because these are the natural struggles.

These are the natural words. These are the natural topics that people out there are looking for now, especially if you want to have content, that is question. There are other tools you can use out there, like answer the public. The only problem is that these sites don't actually give you an idea of which ones are more popular, which ones are being searched.

So what you can do, you can actually use something like the. if you Google it, go to or go to answer the public.com, you will find this website, you can put in a topic and you'll get a lot of questions. I will link that in the show notes as well. And you can then after that, maybe take them into your keyword tool, and find out if they have traffic.

So that's just another alternative for you. If maybe you are out of ideas and you don't really know your ideal client. I hope that this has helped you. It will definitely if you follow this, step-by-step, it will definitely mean that you never ever run out of content ideas again. And it's not just regular content it's content that already has an audience.

So it's a real no-brainer, you're going to feel so much better about sitting down and creating this content because you don't have to wonder whether it's going to hit home with your audience. The only thing left will be to optimize it. And it's a bit later, but until then, good luck with your content ideas. And I hope you'll join me again for next week's episode.

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About the Podcast

Online Coaching
Marketing and Business Insights for Online Coaches
In this podcast, Stephanie Fiteni and her expert guests answer the most common online coaching and coach marketing questions to help you unravel the facts and take the right next step for your coaching business.

With guests, she talks about popular topics such as marketing for coaches, blogging, digital marketing strategies, pricing, mindset, and how coaches build their businesses.

Stephanie is an experienced Content Marketing Strategist as well as a Traffic and Lead Gen Coach. She talks about online marketing strategies, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), marketing tools, books, and much more.

She learned programming as a fresh graduate and has worked as a trainer, programmer, and web consultant for over 15 years before becoming an online coach.

For the last 6 years, she has offered 1:1 coaching and Online Programmes designed for coaches, therapists, and online service providers.

She also offers Content strategy design and content marketing services to 6, 7 & 8 figure coaches through her agency. Find out more at http://www.stephaniefiteni.com